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الكتاب المقدس المصور والناطق للأطفال

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موقع دراسه اون لاين متميز في الدراسات الكتابيه واللاهوتية والمعرفة الروحية.

Soutalsama Arabic Radio - راديو صوت السماء

حمل برنامج تيون إن راديو على موبيلك من هذا الموقع http://tunein.com/mobile/ ثم إبحث عن: Soutalsama Arabic Radio وإستمع لأجمل الترانيم والتأملات

الكتاب الهزلي للإسلام

حمل ملف الباور البوينت

المزيد من الروابط السريعة

(86 Posts ) English

our objective is to struggle in order to implement the shari'a in Britain

our objective is to struggle in order to implement the shari'a in Britain En020026

Anjem Choudary - Head of Islam4UK - Press TV (Iran) -

The True Face of Islam

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14095 مشاهدات 4 تعليقات
Amanpour: Hamas founder's son Hassan Yousef : I spied for Israel

Amanpour: Hamas founder's son Hassan Yousef : I spied for Israel En020025

Christian Amanpour - Mosab Hassan Yousef - CNN -

The True Face of Islam

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18694 مشاهدات 5 تعليقات


ABC1 TV Channel -

The True Face of Islam


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23833 مشاهدات 6 تعليقات
Think before you cast your vote ... this is a cabinet minister in a UK government

Think before you cast your vote ... this is a cabinet minister in a UK government En020023

islameyat.com -

The True Face of Islam

Everyone SHOULD WATCH THIS !! It may be the future of all of us. Bear in mind: this tape is not by some backbencher MP, but a cabinet minister in a UK government.

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12756 مشاهدات 3 تعليقات
Egypt teen asks president Obama to save her family from persecution

Egypt teen asks president Obama to save her family from persecution En020022

Fox News -

The True Face of Islam

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12580 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Coptic Priest Fearlessly Spreading God's Word

Coptic Priest Fearlessly Spreading God's Word En020021

father Zakaria Boutros - CBN.COM

The True Face of Islam

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13730 مشاهدات 4 تعليقات
This is what Muslim children are taught in schools

This is what Muslim children are taught in schools En020020


The True Face of Islam

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15262 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات
The Third Jihad

The Third Jihad En020018

Zuhdi Jasser -

The True Face of Islam

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18531 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات


Dr Wafa Sultan -

The True Face of Islam

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15694 مشاهدات 4 تعليقات
Egypt's Rubbish People ... An Unreported World

Egypt's Rubbish People ... An Unreported World En020017

Evan Williams - James Brabazon -

The True Face of Islam

Unreported World exposes a dark side to Egypt that the authorities don't want foreigners to see: a secretive society of around 40,000 people literally living in rubbish in a Cairo ghetto overrun by rats and disease. Reporter Evan Williams and producer James Brabazon are some of the first journalists to film inside the ghetto where tens of thousands live with garbage stacked to the roofs of their multi-storey homes - eking out a living recycling the rubbish by hand. It's a sight rarely seen by outsiders, and almost definitely not by the million British Tourists who visit Egypt every year. This group is unique for another reason. They're part of Muslim Egypt's Christian minority; a community claiming to be besieged by persecution, extremism and a creeping Islamisation in Egypt's security services. The team highlights one the most sensitive issues faced by some of those in Egypt - their decision to convert to Christianity - a decision that some Muslims believe should be punishable by death under a strict interpretation of sharia religious law. One convert, "Christine", tearfully claims that officers from the government's State Security Intelligence have threatened to torture those trying to convert, rape their daughters in front of them and jail them on false charges of prostitution. "We are abused in the street, spat at, cigarettes are thrown at us, my young daughter who is eleven is hit by the teacher and told to wear the veil and taken to the Mosque to pray even though she doesn't know anything about the Islamic faith," she tells Williams. Another Christian family tells the team that their 17-year-old daughter has been missing for five months. They believe she has been kidnapped and forced to marry a Muslim, yet claim that the police refuse to search for her because she is a Christian. The girl's father, Atef, claims that the police arrested him for two days and held him on a roof for six hours, handcuffed, in an effort to get him to stop looking for his daughter. The team arranges a meeting with Gasser Abdul-Razak, of the Human Rights Watch group. He claims that for the last three or four years government officials have been illegally refusing to allow thousands of converts to register their new religion on their ID cards, a document vital for everyday life in Egypt.

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13520 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات