This is what Muslim children are taught in schools | En020020

BBC - The True Face of Islam

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تعليقات 2

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

2 تعليق

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  1. She was flat out lying. When is the west going to wake up. It will be too late. Muslims will concur the west in not time. If not in our present life time, it sure is coming, slowly but surely. They have the plans already in place, through financing, increase in numbers and taking over government. That is how you control a country. I just hope it won't be too late when the west wakes up from its deep sleep. The west is chasing a mirage of the extremists while overlooking the alarming home-grown systematic teachings and influence of Islam which is nothing other than hatred in the hearts, specially the young ones. In few years, you will hav eto deal with millions of young muslims full of hatred towards anything that is non-mulsim, what is the west going to do then? it will be too late.


  2. المعلمة المسكينة, يبدو أنها أجبرت على الحديث والكذب الفاضح كي تغطي على المنهاج الدراسي ، تعليقي انها يجب أن تكون صادقة مع نفسها، وأن تختار بين ألراتب السعودي الضخم أو الموت ككافرة. خيار صعب.


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