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Dr. Terry Jones: Islam Is of the Devil | En020036
Pastor Terry Jones - Hani Madhoun - Alyona Show - The True Face of Islam

مشاهدات 18868
تعليقات 5
Islam Is of the Devil, veteran pastor Dr. Terry Jones issues a radical call for Christians in America and around the world to take notice of the truth about Islam. He is planning a burn the Qur'an day on September 11th. Alyona finds out the reason behind this and asks if this is a sign that freedom of religion, no longer exists in America. Hani Madhoun blogger at Kabobfest and Dr. Terry Jones, Senior Pastor at Dove World Outreach Center join Alyona to debate.
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2010-09-02 23:19:56
No Just Burning Koran. The West needs to Ban Koran and Islam. Ban and outlaw Islam like fascism and Nazism.
2010-08-22 21:14:22
“Islam” is not a “religion” but rather a surrendering aliegence to the thief-thug Mahomet to propogate a tyranny cult, savage barbarism and fascist mafia (Koran 9: 5,14,29,73,111, 8:12, 47:4 and 33:26-27) to undermine Western civilization. Mahomet, the founder of Islam mafia (rob, rape, chop heads off, burn libraries down, cut off tongues and limps, etc.) was a pervert pedophile who raped the Child “Aisha”, age of less than six years old, as what they call it “his wife”! Mahomet was assasinated when “Aisha” was a teenager, fewer than seventeen. Muslims are proud of molestor Mahomet’s biography that he was stroking his penis between the thighs of the child Aisha and raping two of his aunts (Khawla bent Hakiem and … 33:50)! Mahomet raped sexually a blind-fat woman, another retarted one and a dead woman (“bent Assad”) in her tomb claiming that he was trying to elevate her sufferings of her “tomb’s torture”! Mahomet raped “Zynab bent Jahsh” the wife of his adopted son (zyd) claiming that fictional “Allah Idol of Cresent Moon” granted “Zynab” to Mahomet’s bed (33:36-37)! The Koran’s story that belongs to the liar-Abbasid narrator “Hafss Ibn alMughera” tells us the man-made fabrications of “Aly Baba” and his 70 thief draculas have been written down after centuries of Mahomet’s assasination, without some letters and diacritical dots (up to seven centuries). Koran’s profane manuals (porno: 113: 1-5, bowing the vagina by the flutist Allah (66:12) and inferno sucide-bombing 9:111) which have been received from the fictional “Jibriel” (the Bedouin Daheya al Kalbby) falling down into Mahomet’s lap, while epileptic Mahomet was having sex in Aisha’s lap during her “fiercy menapause”. The lice-illiterate founder of Islam was the terrorist-butcher messenger of Satan to kill humanity, slaughter human rights of liberty and wipe out Western civilization at any time, in any place. Visit prophetofdoom.net; to know the horrendous crimes, vile forgery and debauchery paradise of effiminate Mahomet’s fantasy. Islam gang is not monotheistic and has no relation with the Jewish Abraham. In short, the mafia of Islam will disturb peace, liberty and security in the Western World. Let’s stop Islam invasion (money, demagaugery, sex and power) and anti Judeochristian-ethics Islamization (terrorist camps of mosques for massacres and genocides against unbelievers in Islam). Ban Koran and outlaw Islam to protect our tolerant US Constitution.
wisdom: Prtect the Western Tolerent Civilization
2010-08-11 01:36:34
وكالعاده يبداء شيوخ الاسلام بالمسكنه والمضلوميه لكي يحصلو على ما يريدون . يتمسكنون بانهم مضطهدون يصنعون الاكاذيب والخزعبلات كما عمل مفتي استرليا في كسر باب الجامع ومن ثم طلب الشرطه معلنا ان بعض الناس كسرو باب الجامع ؟ ولاكن الكمرات اثبتت انه هو الذي صنعها. . هنا تكمن المصيبه من يكفل ان يكون هذا الجامع الكبير الذي يتحدثون عنه في بروكلن نيويورك. ان يكون مركز سلام. لناخذ العبر من 95% من الجوامع بانها في الواقع والحقيقه مراكز ارهاب وجمع الاموال الى المتطرفون الاسلاميون. وانها من الحقائق الثابته تدرس وتجهز الارهابيون ليكونو خلايا نائمه الى حين الطلب . 35 معسكر في امريكيا يدربونهم على الاسلحه الناريه والهجوميه . ... ان الموافقه على هذا البناء هو احتقار الى الانسان الامريكي وشهداء الغدر حصيلة هجوم 911
ابو النور
2010-08-10 19:28:26
Stop the mosque at the ground zero site and the insulting threat of evil Islamization against our beloved America. Stop the mosque which is a filed affront designed to tell the Muslims that Islam has succeeded victorious in killing the infidels and has the upper hand above non-Moslems. We don’t want Islam mafia and Islam mafia to invade and occupy the Western World. Islam Has invaded our Coptic nation of Egypt and occupied it for 1400 years. Egypt and the whole Middle East, Iran, Spain, Anatolia, etc. Spain succeeded in liberating southern of Spain from Islam after 800 years of barbaric savagery. Copts of Egypt, Assyrians, Spaniards, Anatolians, Africans, Persians, Armenians, Slovaks, etc. have been suffered from Islam. Copts, the natives of Egypt have been persecuted. Muslim Arabs destroyed the Egyptian civilization. We don’t want Islam to destroy our Western civilization as they did with Copts. Copts are considered 3dr degree citizens in Egypt after Muslim women. Muslims burned down the historical library of Alexandria and cut off the tongues of our forefather if they spoke the Coptic language to wipe out our Coptic identity. Muslims imposed on our forefathers waging the war and paying the “penalty tribute” on Copts up to 90%v of their income so that Copts will give up and join the camp of Islam (club of mafia). Ban Koran and outlaw Islam mafia and mafia Islam to protect our Western civilization from barbarism. No more mosques to be built, but rather build a Synagogue for Jews and a Cathedral for Christians in Mecca. Deport Muslims who don’t confirm and respect our Judeo-Christian ethics. No more influx of Muslims. Muslims have 4 wives taking “welfare” and insulting infidels.
wisdom: Ban Koran and Outlaw Islam Mafa and Mafia of Islam
2010-08-08 13:27:24
هل يا ترى تسمح الحرية الامريكية ان يقوم اي انسان بكيل المديح للنازية والشيوعية؟؟؟ لماذا يمنع اي نوع من التعامل مع النازية والشيوعية ولكن لايمنع التعامل مع الاسلام.. الاسلام والشيوعية والنازية والفاشية هي اربعة اضلاع لمربع الحقد والموت... الاسلام لا يفرق شيء عن النازية.. النازية قتلت وحرقت اليهود, الاسلام قتل وحرق اليهود والمسيحيين والبوذيين!! الشيوعية تكبت انفاس الحرية والاسلام ايضا يكبت انفاس الحرية.. الشعب الامريكي بدأ يصحى ويعي حقيقة الاسلام وخطورة هذا الدين ونحمد الله ان العالم كله بدأ يعي خطورة هذا الدين وماهي الا سنوات وسنشهد سقوط هذا الدين كما سقطت الشيوعية والنازية من قبل... فقط الغوا حكم الردة وسترون ماذا سيحصل!!! اما عن تعليق هذا الاخ المسلم في الفيديو فهذه هي التقية الاسلامية.. يدعي انه مسالم ويحب امريكا ولكنه يكيل الحقد لكل ما هو امريكي ويتكلم وكأنه يؤمن بحرية التعبير عن الرأي ولكنه لو ذهب الى غزة فسيظهر على حقيقته من عدم التسامح وسيظهر الحقد على اصوله!!! كير هذه المنظمة الاسلامية القذرة تريد ان تخدع الامريكان بأن الاسلام هو دين محبة وتسامح وانا اتحدى اي مسلم هنا ان يثبت لي من القران ان الاسلام دين محبة وتسامح...