شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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In London, Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders | En020039
islameyat.com - The True Face of Islam

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2010-09-07 21:44:41
Burning Koran is a sharp “shock therapy” for Muslims who are pampered victims and desperate prisoners of totalitarian Islam. Burning “Koran” is not the first time. The old founders of Islam, like Othman Ben Affan, burned down 27 Korans and Amides by canons destroyed the Kaaba cube, the center of polytheism and cultism of the Arabian tribes. Muslims should not be surprised since profane “Koran” calls non-Muslims names like “apes”, “pigs” and dogs and incites Muslims to chase and hunt them and kill them wherever they can be found. Koran incites Muslims to fight, kill and be killed the disbelievers (9:111). Muslims are prisoners under the knife of tyrant Koran. Racist Koran calls for having the Islamic upper-hand subjugation on non-Muslims to plunder the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and build a mosque on the top of it. Muslims have plundered thousands of Coptic churches and monasteries in the Occupied Coptic Egypt and built on the top mosques with higher minarets and loud noisy-multi mega-microphones to bother and harass Christians. Immoral Koran teaches Muslims to block the public traffic and pray or prostrate at the street corners, sidewalks and roads. Thus, the shock therapy of the international burning-Koran day is very necessary tool to wake up Muslims against their crimes, atrocities and massacres. Recently, a squad of Sunny-Muslims has gunned down thirty Shiite Zydites (hands cuffed to their backs and laying on their stomachs in a one line) in one minute time with hundreds of bullets. Is that such fascist Koran (the porno catalogue and inferno-murder manual) that can be respected and honored? Muslims should welcome the burning of Koran which calls for degrading, oppressing and suppressing their own mothers, violating their human rights and slaying their dignity. Burning Koran as a shock therapy will make up consciousness among many Muslims to review what is written in Koran by the founder of Islam, the pervert-pedophile and lice-illiterate Mahomet. Muslims should review the political organization of the Mafia of Islam founded by the brutal-butcher monster Mahomet. Muslims should review Koran’s agenda (33:26-27) and Koran’s fascist platform of invasions to conquer, occupy and subjugate territories, lands, properties and enslave people under the totalitarian tyranny of Islam (Koran- chapter nine, 4:89) and impose a “penalty tribute” up to 90% of your income unless you join the club of Mahomet (9:29). How can you respect a “Koran” text that incites surrenders –to Mahomet- to kill nonbeliever men (who don’t join the club of fascist Islam) plundering their properties, taking their wives as sex slaves and their children as labor slaves? That is Islam, the Muslims have been surrendered under the knife, and the surrenders must follow suit and kill the non surrenders to the fascist ideology of Islam. That is how Islam is propagating with the help of licensing pedophilia (64:3), polygamy (4:3) and prostitution (“malakat yameen” 4:24), snatching out non surrenders’ houses of worship and building mosques on top of them (3:139) and finally publicizing the political symbols of fascist Islam like false propaganda, disfiguring the non-Arabic translations of Koran, the veil and “Burka”, public prayers in the streets, the degrading of “pork”, “black dogs”, Western swimming- suits, utensils of spoons and forks (to eat with bare fingers like Mahomet), etc. We should burn and ban Koran and outlaw and ban Islam’s ideology to save Western civilization, humanity and liberty.
2010-08-24 19:20:50
You want Islam & Shariah..? go back to your country or go to Saudi Arabia..!! their will be the true Islam & Shariah.
2010-08-24 11:26:50
Geert Wilders, a couragous man with high principles. You did not sell your concious and love for God and your country. May God bless you, protect you, Guide you for his Glory. May you be an inspitation for all politicians. Please do not stop.
2010-08-24 11:21:05
Dear all Who believe in Islam specially the Good Moslims as those speaking in the demonstration. GO home where everybody adores Mohammad. Do not stay in the land of the Koufar. It is as simple as that. If you do not like it leave.....!
2010-08-23 23:53:39
Insult the messenger and you be killed . Insult God , fast 3 day and you are forgiven!!!. You sick dogs , who is above who!!! The time has come for you to be crushed by the feet of the true believers . You are sick and only understand the language of force , just what your Muslim leaders use with you . Low lives seeking blood , no other blood will be shed than yours by your own.
2010-08-23 18:18:04
The free highway to hell is “Islam”. “Islam” is not a “religion” but rather a surrendering alliegence to the thief-thug Mahomet to propogate a tyranny cult, savage barbarism and fascist mafia (Koran 9: 5,14,29,73,111, 8:12, 47:4 and 33:26-27) to undermine Western civilization. Mahomet, the founder of Islam mafia (rob, rape, chop heads off, burn libraries down, cut off tongues and limps, etc.) was a pervert pedophile who raped the Child “Aisha”, age of less than six years old, as what they call it “his wife”! Mahomet was assasinated when “Aisha” was a teenager, fewer than seventeen. Muslims are proud of molestor Mahomet’s biography that he was stroking his penis between the thighs of the child Aisha and raping two of his aunts (Khawla bent Hakiem and … 33:50)! Sexually speaking, Mahomet raped a blind-fat woman, another retarted one and a dead woman (“Fatima Assad”) in her tomb claiming that he was trying to elevate her sufferings of her “tomb’s torture”! Mahomet raped “Zynab bent Jahsh” the wife of his adopted son (zyd) claiming that fictional “Allah Idol of Cresent Moon” granted “Zynab” to Mahomet’s bed (33:36-37)! The Koran’s story that belongs to the liar-Abbasid narrator “Hafss Ibn alMughera” -400 years after Mahomet’s assasination- tells us the man-made fabrications of “Aly Baba” and his 70 thief Draculas’ superstitions have been written down after centuries of Mahomet’s assasination, without letters “aleph” and “yaa” and diacritical dots (up to seven centuries). Koran contains profane manuals: “porno” manual: sex price-tags 4:24, sodomy 2:223. Mahomet warns Aisha’s vagina from the nailing penis of Mahomet 113:1-5! The flutist Allah blows the vaginas 66:12 (oral sex). Koran is an “inferno” manual as well like sucide-bombing 9:111 (fight to kill and be killed). Muslems claim that Koran statements have been received from the fictional “Jibriel” (the Bedouin “Daheya al Kalbby”) falling down into Mahomet’s lap, while epileptic Mahomet was having sex in Aisha’s lap during her fiercy “gushing menapause”. The lice-illiterate founder of Islam was the terrorist-butcher messenger of Satan to kill humanity, subjugate under tyranny, slaughter human rights of liberty and wipe out Western civilization at any time, in any place. Visit prophetofdoom.net; to know the horrendous crimes, vile forgery and debauchery paradise of effiminate Mahomet’s fantasy. Islam’s gang is not monotheistic that has no relation with the Jewish Abraham and “Allah” is not God. In short, the mafia of Islam will disturb peace, liberty and security in the Western World. Islam’s cancerous epidemic turns humans into 4th degree slaves not citizens and women into subhumans. Let’s stop Islam invasion (money, demagaugery, sex and power) and anti Judeochristian ethics and secular freedoms. Let’s prohibit Islamization (terrorist camps of mosques for massacres and genocides against unbelievers in Islam). Ban the incompitable Koran and outlaw the alien Islam to protect our tolerant Western Constitutions and liberate the occupied Coptic Egypt, Middle East, Asia and Africa from Islam scourges.
wisdom: The Mafia of Islam and the Islam of Mafia; The free highway to hell is “Islam”.
2010-08-23 12:40:59
هذا هو انتاج الجوامع والمراكز الاسلاميه . في الخفاء هذا ما يلقنه شيوخ الجوامع الى الذين يرتدونها . ثم يتباكون شيوخهم بانهم يواجهون العنصريه وانهم منبذون . اما الان هذه حقيقتهم وهؤلا يكشفون النوايا المستوره . 75 % من المسلمون يعملون ويتقاضون معونات حكوميه لانهم يعتبرونها غنائم وحلال على المسلمون. المساعدات الحكوميه خصصت الى الفقراء لاكن المسلمون يغتبرونها غنائم. وهذا حسب تعاليم محمد والقران الشيطاني. .... على الغرب ان يتنبه ويترك العاطفه لانها لا تجوز على هؤلا القتلط عبدة الشيطان
ابو الوفاء
2010-08-23 08:02:02
mohammed is a big asshole, he is the messenger of the devill . Tell this bloody muslims they will be taught a hard lesson very soon.