09 - Can God Have Son? | En070009

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia - Worlds Apart

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تعليقات 2

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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2 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. To Waqas Ahmed, Zakir Naik, the one who spreads the hatred around the world, I don't get it why Indian Government doesn't send him to jail


  2. I just want to say jay smith why he dont have dialogue with dr. Zakir naik??

    Waqas Ahmed

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