شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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Australian Islamist Musa Cerantonio Glorifies Jihad, Supports Jabhat Al-Nusra in Syria | En020087
Australian Islamist Musa Cerantonio - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 14193
تعليقات 1
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2013-03-19 13:09:37
it is really amazing how Islam changes the people from good loving people to stupid ignorant like this shaikh. really amazing!!!! this is yet another proof that islam is a religion of hatred and killing and lie... I didn't hear any Israeli saying that if the Islamist take Syria Israel is finished!!!! Where did you get this lie from??? If israel feels that its security is at stake they will nuke your sorry asses and will finish you in 2 seconds....
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