Where is Allah? | En020082

The Internet - The True Face of Islam

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مشاهدات 14318

تعليقات 1

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    تحميل الملف - عرض - iPod تحميل الملف

1 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. Allah is an Arabian myth, a superstition, an alien illusion and delusion for Muslims. There is no such existence of Allah, except in the fathom imagination of Muslims. Allah is a void and emptiness of pagan heathenism has been passing through centuries to Muslims, the heirs to Qurayesh-tribe paganism and idolatry. ---------------- Allah is the Moon-Idol, the lord of Mecca Kabba, the pagan pantheon. Allah has been considered the chief deity of Mecca in one cube among twenty-three cubes across the peninsula of Arabia. ------------------ Allah is the consort and wife of the Sun god (Akkbar) and both had produced the three daughters of Allah, the mother. The three female deities are Al-Lat, Al-Uzatt and Al-Munat. The crescent moon is the motto of the unconditional surrender or the so called “Islam”. ---------------- Allah is the god of fertility (sex libido) and war (blood thirst). Does Allah have a throne, a door and a garden of paradise full of gates, palaces, whores and rivers? Is Allah in control? Of course not, Allah is a blind, deaf, mute entity. ----------------- Allah is an imaginary illusion for idiots, freaks, dumb and numbs. The throne of Allah is a human creation of a stretch of imagination. Allah does not hear nor listen nor talk to anyone at all. --------------- Muslims are enslaved and deceived to a fictional identity is called “Allah”, the pagan Solid-Idol of Arabs. Allah is the brutal butcher who is causing Muslims to commit violence and suicide (as human sacrifices and offerings) for the sake of such bloody Allah, the murderous monster. ------------------ For the cause of the murderous-Mahomet’s Allah, Muslims are murdering Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Allah, the destroyer, is not the Biblical True Living God. Allah is Satan and Islam is a satanic cult, Mafia-like gang and a fascist-terrorist ideology against humanity. Islam is Nazism and Fascism revisited. Allah deserves to go to the dumpsters of History.

    wisdom: Where is Allah, the Arabian Solid-Idol? Allah is deeply dead

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