Fear of Islam ... Is anti-Islamic sentiment on the rise in Australia? | En020046

Jenny Brockie - Reza Aslan - Nonie Darwish - Mark Durie - Randa Abdel-Fattah - Sheikh Mohamadu Nawas Saleem - Ikebal Patel - Insight - SBS channel - Australia - The True Face of Islam

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What's fuelling the rise in anti-Islamic sentiment across Europe and the United States? INSIGHT examines why it's happening at this time and what's really driving this backlash. European countries, where the doors were once wide open, are closing and the success of multiculturalism is being questioned. In the US, recent polls show that anti-Islamic sentiment is higher now than one month after the September 11 attacks. Is this anti-Islamic sentiment on the rise in Australia? INSIGHT puts these questions to a very diverse audience.

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  1. How does the profane Koran portray and sketch Christians to Muslims? Christians are disbelievers in Islam’s doctrines, the hateful religion of the pedophile pirate Mahomet based on a satanic man-made book of Koran. Islam is a false religion, based on a false book of Koran written by a false man. Terrorist Koran tells Christians that they are slime infidels, polytheists, filthy pigs and apes who will go to Hell and deserve to be degraded, plundered, raped and killed. Fascist Koran portrays Christians as vile, wicked and evil creatures who refuse and denounce Islam scourges, massacres and tyranny. Koran, the killer agitates Muslims to kill Christian men and rape their Christian women. The profane Koran incites aggressive violence, demagogue bullying and terrorism jihad against Christians. To Koran, Christian churches and properties may be sabotaged, plundered and burned down; to build mosques on the top of Christians’. To Koran and Mahomet, Muslims have to hate, insult, and curse and demean Christians in humiliation. Muslims are suffering from an “Infidel syndrome” causing them a phobia of Christianity, a phobia of the Cross, a phobia of the Gospel and Holy Bible. Therefore, Christians and non-Muslims, what are you waiting for? Christians –of all stripes- should unite together, stand up, speak up and defeat Islam, the mafia-like gang of fascism.

    wisdom: How does Koran portray and sketch Christians to Muslims?

  2. Hateful Islam strikes savagely: blood smeared the walls of the church and scraps of flesh between the pews! ------ The terrorist Koran must be Put On Trial for the massacre murdering and blood shedding of Christians in the Lady-of -Salvation’s Iraqi church, on 2010-10-31. “Koran” is the first accused-terrorist should be rounded up, arrested, prosecuted and executed by burning down it, criminalizing its use, banning it and dismantling its timed bombs. Koran is the first agitator of violence, massacres, carnages and genocides across history. Terrorist Koran incites offensive violence and embraces aggressive terrorism and barbaric savagery to advance Islam’s fascism, tyranny, totalitarianism and subjugation of lands and domination of subdued people. Koran adopts very fascist doctrines such as “infidel syndrome”, “terrorist Jihad”, “Dzhummi” status, penal codes of primitive amputations that belong to the rule of the jungle. Koran is a very dangerous text of bigotry, demagoguery and war mongering declaring war against Christians and Jews. Other barbaric Islamic practices are stoning, burning, chopping off limps, beheadings, cutting off necks, palms, feet, tongues and ears, severing throats, slaying, slaughtering every human thing. Some of the tenets of Islam’s scourges are doom, destruction, suicide bombing (9:111 fight, kill infidels wherever you can find them and be killed), mass killing of innocents, butchering, robbing, plundering, stealing, lying, burning libraries and museums, etc. The bloody record of Islam has killed three hundred and fifty millions since the rise of Mahomet till this day and wiped out high civilizations. Burn the fascist Koran before it will burn everyone and everything, criminalize its use and ban Koran, make Islam illegal and outlaw all Islam’s symbols for good. We need to fight back against Islam in words, deeds and military wars. Three hundred and fifty millions killed by Islam are enough.

    wisdom: Islam is not a phobia mirage, but a real fear of fascism and tyranny

  3. There is an analogy to the cutting off tongues by Islam today in the West and in Coptic Egypt for 1300 years. Evil Islam is trying to cut off the free tongues of freedom and liberty and scraping out the Western constitutions in the Western world. The same way, the occupation of Islam to the Coptic Nation of Christian Egyptians has chopped off the tongues of our Coptic forefathers and foremothers to wipe out the native Coptic language. The Coptic language mostly in Greek letters and it goes back to the Hieroglyphic language of the great Ancient Egyptians, the descendents of the Pharaohs. Islam has eliminated our language as an official way of communications to dominate our occupied Coptic Egypt, culturally speaking and plunder Egypt’s resources under the Arabic language of the occupier. Today, Muslims in the West want Europeans and Americans alike without any free tongues to practice their sacred human-rights of the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech, so Americans will not be able to expose Islam’s crimes against humanity. Muslims want non-Muslims’ mouths to be shut-up and their tongues cut off so that no one will even criticize the terrors of the cancerous Islam or analyze the horrors of Islam’s epidemic. Islam is much known in history as the destroyer of civilizations, burning down and drowning public libraries across all the territories that Islam had invaded and occupied by force and bloody compulsion. We are the whistle blowers about Islam’s fascist crimes and warning against the evil fascism of Islam. Stop Islam barbarism to save our precious Western civilization. Wake up everyone, stand up, speak out loudly and kick out Islam from the Western world, by all means available.

    wisdom: There is an analogy to the cutting off tongues by Islam today in the West and in Coptic Egypt for 1300 years.

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