We Must Fight the Infidels Militarily Until Caliphate Restored | En020084

Australian Islamist Cerantonio - The Internet The True Face of Islam


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    تحميل الملف - عرض - iPod تحميل الملف

1 تعليق

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  1. We Must Fight the Fascist Cult of Saracens' Islam mafia. Muslim Mafia of Quran's Bigotry, Brutality and Barbarism must be broken and dissolved into the Trash Can and Garbage Box of History. -------------- We Must Have a Zero Tolerance against Muslim Mafia, Terrorist Ideologies of Jihad Crimes and Terrorist Shariah. ---------------- We Must Go before the Supreme Courts in USA, Canada and Europe to Criminalize, Outlaw and Ban the use of Koran and its Readings or Distributing in the West Legally and globally. Such Criminal Koran must be stopped like Hitler's literature of Nazism in his book : "My Struggle" and Fanatic Fascism of Fatwas. ----------------------- We can't afford a Hateful Agenda of Koran with its Manifesto of Slaughtering Non-Saracen Muslims as Infidels , Sub Humans and Enemies of the Stone Allah of the Pagan Cube in Mecca. ------------------- We Cannot Afford the Persecution of Minorities, Rape of Women and Children, Stoning, Whipping, and Chopping Heads and Severing Necks in Bloody Massacres, Carnage and Slaughterhouses. -------------------We Must All Stop the Atrocities of Savage Barbarism of Islam's Horrors by Law and Force To Save Western Civilization Intact without Conditions or Concessions. Quran Must Retreat; so Freedom, Liberty and Equality Prevail and Flourish. ----------------- Human Civilization is at Stake and on the Cross Roads To Keep Safely Our Liberties of Men, Women and Children. Freedom is the Most Precious Property for Modern Man in the West.

    wisdom: We Must Fight Islam Mafia To OUTLAW IT

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