09 - إدعاء الإسلام بتكريم المرأة | DR250009

الأخت أماني - الأخت فرحة - الأخت نديم - الأخت مريم نبيل - المرأة المسلمة

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  1. hiiiii all


  2. Hi beloved sisters Amany, Far7ah, Nadimm and Mariam, Serving the newly Christian converts is not without pain. I have two request, if you do not mind: 1. Please dedicate some episodes to give us some insight into serving the Muslim converts in the next stages: 1: Raise the interest in kowing Jesus 2. Take them the first steps in reading the Holy Bible. 3. Lead them to the Faith. 4. Support them to grow in the faith. May the Lord bless you all. Amen. Your sister in Christ, Faith Hope Love


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