Wafa Sultan, survivor of sharia, fighting against it | En020041

Wafa Sultan -Bill Whittle - PJTV - The True Face of Islam

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Raised in Syria, Wafa Sultan suffered under Sharia law. The author of A God Who Hates, she sits down with Bill Whittle to talk oppression, freedom, and the creep of Sharia across the globe.

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  1. Read, expose, rip and burn Koran Days are brilliant ideas to save humanity. Open Koran, the ideological book of the mob of Islam and the terrorism manual of slaughtering people brutally and slaying humans ruthlessly like sheep and hens. The political platform of Koran has been behind the horrendous crimes committed against innocent thousands of civilians in New York, London, Madrid, Israel, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Armenia, Serbia, etc. Koran is the worst killer committing heinous atrocities in the Middle East, massacres in India and genocides against Armenians. Such book of profane readings –Koran- has been behind the ideology of “Jihad” terror-war, barbaric “Sharia”, oppression and enslavement of women and insulting non-Muslims as “dirty infidels’, pigs and apes. Koran licenses and legalizes to Muslim men pedophilia and sex slavery. Koran blesses sodomy, rape and child molestation and the despicable notion of “Janna” whorehouse. How can the disbelievers in the totalitarian Islam’s subjugation and tyrant suppression respect such an affront Koran? Profane Koran is the military program of the fascism march to invade, conquer, subjugate, plunder, subdue by the male-gangs of Islam. Let us read Koran, expose its scourges, rip and burn and finally ban, prohibit and outlaw Koran. Modern civilization has been vomiting Koran, the complete incompatible to our civilized lives. The most intolerant Mafia of Koran and Koran of Muzlim Mafia (anti-Semite, antichristian, anti females, anti life and liberty) are doomed to die.

    wisdom: Read, expose, rip and burn Koran Days are brilliant ideas to save humanity.

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