شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 08.12.09 Honor Killings In America 13093 مشاهدات
- 09.12.09 The truth about Muhammed: The Quran is a fraud! 36525 مشاهدات
- 14.12.09 Geert Wilders warning to America 16777 مشاهدات
- 28.05.10 Muslim Persecution of Christians 14587 مشاهدات
- 04.11.10 Finally here is a pastor who have the guts to tell the truth without being afraid ... Dr. Jeffress Responds to Dallas News Columnist 29131 مشاهدات
- 18.12.11 Our Flag Will Soon Be Flying on Top of All the Palaces in Europe Until We Reach the White House 12231 مشاهدات
- 01.01.12 Jesus was not a Christian and if He was alive today He would be following the Muslims and Islam 12351 مشاهدات
- 12.04.13 10 - Christ, the Manifested Jehovah: Jesus is Jehovah, Which Is - Ep10 12315 مشاهدات
- 12.04.13 11 - Christ, the Manifested Jehovah: Jesus is Jehovah, Which Is - Ep11 12846 مشاهدات
- 02.02.13 01 - Introduction to the Show 13391 مشاهدات
Interview with Hizb Ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar about their campaign of Islamic state | En020032
Channel 9 - Australia - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 13409
تعليقات 4
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1 ملف
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2010-07-23 11:23:21
The Armenians had a proverb that says, "If the turk (Dajig-muslim)be a gold, do not put him in your pocket". Why is that? because they are laiers.
An Armenian
2010-07-23 08:18:04
The thing that must never be forgotten in dialoging with a political Muslim is that you are dealing with a liar, and any discussion you have with him is therefore meaningless. This is because his religion specifically legitimizes deceit in the pursuit of the Islamic agenda, and so a pack of lies and misrepresentations that would be culturally shameful to you or I is not shameful to him at all; rather, he is very proud of his ability to deceive you. Christ spoke of Satan as the father of lies (John 8:44), and this person you are speaking to is his spiritual offspring. Therefore beware.
2010-07-09 18:25:31
Australia wake up before you turn into another KSA
2010-07-09 17:19:59
Australia should defend its Western identity of Judeo-Christian ethics and humanity tradition of liberty and secular freedom. Australia must protect their Western heritage by dispelling Muzlims and Islam out of Australia. Islam spurs barbarism, savagery and backwardness. Australians must stop the influx of Muslims, mosques and Qurans. Banning the porno-inferno Quran and outlawing Islam mafia of savage fascism and barbaric terrorism are necessary musts. Australia wake up and don’t lose this battle or the war against Islamic fascists. There is no such thing as moderate Islam. Islam is an extremist terrorist ideology of demagoguery and doom destruction. Muslims either sympathizing fans of Islam club or Terrorists who slaughter infidels. Both Muslim moderates and terrorists share the same ideological grounds of inferno-Quran. Australia, do not let you have the sad destiny of invasion and occupation by Islam like the occupied Coptic Egypt and the Middle East. Liberate Australia from Islam barbarism immediately, deport Muslims out, ban Quran for any use, outlaw Islam octopus and stop building any mosques (terrorist camps). Australia, immune your self against the cancerous Islam-virus. Australia, take a charge of your own country’s national security.
wisdom: Clean Your House; Australia, Stop the Fascism of Islamization and Islam Invasion.