Soutalsama Arabic Radio - راديو صوت السماء
حمل برنامج تيون إن راديو على موبيلك من هذا الموقع ثم إبحث عن: Soutalsama Arabic Radio وإستمع لأجمل الترانيم والتأملات
05 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep4 En090005
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
(The Dilemma of the Muslims Holy Book) General discussion on the Collection of the Quran as a book, both the 1st and 2nd recensions. Is the Quran a preserved book Is it a perfect book? Its organization? Comparing the current Quran with other documented historical codices of the Quran.
11942 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات24.02.13
04 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep3 En090004
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
(The Dilemma of the Muslims Holy Book) General discussions on the Quran and its role in terms of Sharia Law, Jihad and other Islamic rituals and religious practices
12241 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات20.02.13
03 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep2 En090003
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
(The Dilemma of the Muslims Holy Book) General discussion on the nature of the Quran & its revelation as a book which claims to be divinely inspired, with a focus on Jihad and other major topical themes. Was the Quran an eternal book? Is it separate from Allah or is it part of Allah? Was it a miracle? Can you understand and trace back the life of the prophet of Islam from the Quran?
12568 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات06.02.13
02 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep1 En090002
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
(The Dilemma of the Muslims Holy Book) An explanation of the Quran as a book, the difference between the Meccan and the Medinan qurans. Over all analysis of the contents of the Quran. Main theme - Is the Quran a Book of Peace. Analysis of some of the Topical contents of the Quran. Our guest provides his insight as a Westerner who analyzed the Quran and its teachings and the negative impact it had on him.
12141 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات04.06.12
Muslims revert to Christianity in Australia En040006
CBN News -
13727 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Jesus was not a Christian and if He was alive today He would be following the Muslims and Islam En020076
British Islamist Anjem Choudary -
The True Face of Islam
12478 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
Muslims File Discrimination Lawsuit Against Catholic School for Not Removing Jesus En020074
Hannity -
The True Face of Islam
18628 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Three Things About Islam En020034 -
The True Face of Islam
Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam. This subject WILL affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now - before it does.
15937 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات07.07.10
Moderate Islam forced on Australian Muslims En020031
Channel 9 - Australia -
The True Face of Islam
Moderate Islam forced on Australian Muslims A spokesman for international Islamist group Hizb Ut-Tahrir has said democracy is an illusion and that the government is forcing moderate Islam on Australian Muslims. Uthman Badar told the TODAY show the illusion of secular democracy short-sold the people. I think people have come to see that democracy is more of an illusion in that it secures the interests not of the people but of the economic elite, he said. What we're saying is the secular democratic process has short-sold the people and it's better that people go back to the grassroots. Mr Badar said the government was funding inter-faith dialogues and institutions in Sydney and Melbourne that promote moderate Islam. "All people should accept that it's not acceptable for a state to tell people this is what you should believe and this is what you should not believe," he said. The issue is the government should not be taking sides in saying 'This is the Islam we have chosen for you — it's a secular, apolitical, localised Islam. If you do anything else, here's the anti-terror laws, we're going to chuck you in jail. More than 500 participants at a Hizb Ut-Tahrir conference in Western Sydney heard on Sunday that Australia was a god-forsaken country and that moderate Islam was a perverted concoction of western governments. The group is banned in many parts of the Middle East but operates legally in Australia and in 40 other countries. Hizb Ut-Tahrir supports the establishment of a Islamic state but rejects the use of violence to achieve it.
12775 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات