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2013-06-27 23:23:51
Hi all i want to say word Nancy sister , you experiment makes me more hard , always when i come weak of course i read the bible and listen to your experiment makes me really stronger and feel that i am not alone i n that world i am in different country but sill Arabic that i cant find people like me or people christian believe in Jesus not only christian , thanks really that you shared your experiment , i wish you always to be happy best wishes for all people who believe and who don't believe to understand and believe , i am not christian but i am believer , my email is honda_2920@yahoo.com just for any comment , wish you all best wishes thanks for the site that makes us to see all of us around the world our experiments and our life with Jesus Thanks Mohamed
2013-06-14 14:58:08
jesus with you, the same what happened with Nancy that she is alone , i am alone to i didnt find somebody to say my story, when i said it to somebody , he left the country , i am in different country now, i dont have anybody to talk with that , i dont trust anybody to tell him my story, as i was muslim just in papers but i am not in heart , i follow jesus i saw him and jesus picked me up, but i really want to say to Nancy that you are not alone , all of us living like that life not like yours exactly but similar , so please be strong sister jesus is here but we have always to be with him, i heared a lot of stories and what happened in there life but not like you , i believe each word you said, and thanks jesus that you find somebody to talk , but since you have jesus you have the whole life in your hands , jesus is the light and direct of our way, for info i didnt put my real name and you know why, i am Arabic person , i cant write here more than that, but i believe in jesus, sorry again if write in english , but in arabic it will be easy to know i am from which country, because when i spoke with somebody and he knows that i transferred from muslim to jesus way , he treated me , so i hope if i knows you sister or if you can read what i written here jesus with you and be strong and we will meet in paradise maybe who knows, i wish jesus forgive me for what i did in my life, thanks for reading my message if you received it , i mentioned my email also for any comment , sorry if i wrote alot but i am really happy from your story , i can feel at least i am not alone in this world Thanks Mohamed