Left Behind - Part 3 - الإختطاف - الجزء الثالث | AF010026

إسلاميات دوت كوم - أفلام مسيحية

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مشاهدات 41156

تعليقات 7

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7 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. الرب يبارك الجميع وبأسم المسيح سوف يخلص كل من أمن وسلم حياته للمخلص الرب قريب أمين


  2. The Sound is great


  3. يااااااااااااااارب تكونى فى تفوق على طول

    احمد عبد الحليم

  4. i have watched left behind 1&2, and now 3, all I can say is god help us ... these days, I know they are here and it will be worse for the Christians even here in the US. God help us


  5. الرب يبارك خدمتكم المثمرة ونصلى ان تكونوا فى تقدم مستمر


  6. I recommend this film and the other two parts to be seen by every christian as they are based on the truth of the revelation in the Bible. It's a wonderful film and God bless this web site in Jesus mighty name


  7. thx for the movie but the sound is very bad .if u can upload it with good sound it will be great


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