شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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Our Flag Will Soon Be Flying on Top of All the Palaces in Europe Until We Reach the White House | En020075
sheik-Abu Imran - The True Face of Islam

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2011-12-28 23:23:18
Islam is a satanic cult, a fascist ideology and a terrorist mafia for piracy and thuggery with murdering and plundering. Mahomet the fraudulent concocter of “Islam” or surrender was a pervert-terrorist pirate pursuing plunder as a thief, thug and blood-sucker monster. The guile, lying and deception of Islam and its plunder reminder are so violent hatred and so evil it takes your breath away. --------------- Lethal Islam gives lisence to plunder and murder for the sake of Islam, Mahomet and Allah, cresent-moon Idol. Islam doesn’t fit to be a “religion” or a moral code. Monster Mahomet’ method of choice is murder and slaughter promising Muslims falsely a lifetime pass into Allah’s porno brothel –“Janna”. To Koran, terror and relentless aggression have become job pursuing blackmailing money and subduing non-Muslims; to submitt surrender sabotage subverts subjgate the non-Muslim lands and properties, the same way Mahomet was a caravan looter and war thug. Islam-surrender is simply to every human being either to “Submit or Die”. ----------------- That means the end of human rights, the freedom of belief and freedom of choice. Consequently, Muslims will become stoogies and guardian dogs and wolves for Islam’s evil crimes, fetters of slavery, and scourges of death. We will say “so long” to tolerance, civilized libery or humanity and “welcome” to savage barbarism, totalitarian tribalism and terrorist demagoguery. ------------------------- Mahomet’s Koran stresses that evil “Islam” must be victorious with terror, tyranny and piracy of plunder. The tools of justifications are numerous such as, dehumanization of women and non-Muslims, spewing the venoms of hatred, slaying the infidels wherever you find them, taking them captives and besieging them and the use of spoils is lawful, moral and good. Such fascist ideology of aggression will lead to the road of declaring a global war against Islam, Koran and Muslims and their militant stoogies. Our modern age will never ever tolerate “terrorism” under any justification ordained in the profane dilemma of “Koran”.
wisdom: To Every Free Human Being: Surrender or Die by Islam’s Thugs and Thieves