Interview with father Zakaria Boutros - مقابلة مع الأب زكريا بطرس | En020009

Michael Coren Show The True Face of Islam

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5 تعليق

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  1. I totally agree with you Shenouda. He has so much hate and abomination in him; only a bigot or fanatic wouldn't acknowledge


  2. God save you father zakaria go and show the world what s the real islam is about like you did show ,i was muslim but now i do believe in Jesus cause of you father zakaria god bless you


  3. سلام ونعمه. تحيات من القلب الى قدس ابونا. انا اؤمن في ضهور تلاميذ للمسيح له المجد في هذه الايام . لأن العصر الحالي بحاجه اليهم. ؤخصوصا لما نراه من اعمال الشيطان . ضهور شياطين محمد ؤاعمالهم الشيطانيه في القتل ؤالاضطهاد للكنيسه. الى الأمام يا ابونا ؤلتكن مكائدهم في صدورهم الى الابد .

    صالح خليل

  4. He spend too much energy hating others which if he spent the same energy loving and teaching about love he could have been respected more. If Jesus had the same hate Zakaria have, Christianity could have never been there. One thing good about this interview is that he is not wearing a cross. I think he put it on the shoulders of a lot of Christians in Egypt.


  5. يا ليت الغرب يتعلم و يفهم.


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