شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 10.10.08 Islam what the West needs to know about it 28095 مشاهدات
- 02.09.09 حوار لأحد المسلمين في هولندا وخيرت فيلدرز : ماذا ستفعل مع الإسلام لو وصل حزبكم إلى الحكم؟ 20951 مشاهدات
- 26.09.09 130 - الأخلاق في الإسلام مع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان 18787 مشاهدات
- 20.12.13 340 - موضوع سوريا مع د. وفاء سلطان 15416 مشاهدات
- 02.09.09 Fatima of Saudi Arabia 13444 مشاهدات
- 05.02.11 Who will take over after Mubarak? - A beginning of an Islamic uprising 15917 مشاهدات
- 01.01.12 Jesus was not a Christian and if He was alive today He would be following the Muslims and Islam 12351 مشاهدات
- 22.02.10 Revealing The Islamic End Time 19179 مشاهدات
- 06.02.13 02 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep1 11987 مشاهدات
- 30.09.13 18 - A journey of a former follower of Islam - Ep3 20578 مشاهدات
Dr Wafa Sultan - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 16037
تعليقات 4
تحميل ملفات
1 ملف
Video Files
2010-07-02 22:28:53
She really speaks from the heart. Wafa Sultan is my number one hero. When she locked horns with a couple of typically maniupulative clerics on al-Jazeera in recent years [videos on YouTube] , she emerged triumphant because she spoke from her heart and experience. I understand her identifying with islam culturally; there is no harm in that as it will wear off in a few generations. I still appreciate the gobsmacking art of the Rennaissance although I no longer consider myself a Catholic.
2010-07-02 21:54:05
These are ACE videos - all pack quite a punchi in a short time. I adore Wafa. What a great soul. And I'm not even that religious but I can see she is someone who has bloomed. Viva USA for bringing the best out of Wafa!
2010-03-16 23:17:33
طيب بدنا نحمل الكتاب a God who hates
2009-12-23 16:32:17
يا رب يكون في 100000000000000000 وفاء سلطان تاني او حتي 2 بس شكرا ليكي يا دكتوره و شكرا لقناة الحياه