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- 16.03.13 80 - الموت والطبيعة الفاسدة معضلاتا القرآن 9695 مشاهدات
- 16.02.13 109 - جرائم تطبيق الشريعة في السودان 11153 مشاهدات
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- 29.12.12 72 - الإنجيل يغير - الحلقة الأولى 10429 مشاهدات
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الشارع المصري يغلي والحكومة تلتزم الصمت - الجزء الأول | DA110088
هناء سمري - سيد علي - برنامج 48 ساعة - قناة المحور - حقوق الإنسان وحرية العقيدة
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.الرجاء كتابة تعليقك هنا ببشكل واضح وسليم، تعليقك سوف ينشر مباشرة
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المزيد في الدليل والبرهان
2011-01-29 22:36:39
انا مع التغيير والديموقراطيه To Separate Islam from the State in Egypt. No Shaerii3a Islameya. We need and want a secular civil society of Egypt and excluding Islam from the state completely.
wisdom: Seperate Islam from the State in Egypt
2011-01-29 12:01:24
When Anwar El-Sadat took his decision against His Holiness Pope Shenouda, he was assassinated by the Muslim "brotherhood" , on October 6, 1981. Amazingly, a 40 days commemoration was on November 14, the day of enthronement of His Holiness. " Christ defend His church" Now, the government leads a planed campaign against His Holiness, in the media, newspapers, and for 14 weeks demonstrations ( in which His Holiness was described by the unclean dog, the swine, not being Holy, but a symbol of dirt. and His photos was burned, and stepped up on by their feet , the cross was cursed and burned, and the church blasphemed and desecrated) please, watch any of this videos. Daily martyrdom, kidnapping , disappearing young Christian girls, attacking churches. and the new-year attack on the church in which a huge numbers of Christian lost their lives. Again"Christ defend His church" Would you learn another lesson . Islam is being destroyed by its own peoples. Good luck for Egypt