شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 12.05.12 معركة ختان الإناث 14438 مشاهدات
- 15.02.12 وإذا أردنا أن نهلك قرية أمرنا مترفيها ففسقوا فيها فحق عليها القول فدمرناها تدميرا ... إن اللذين يؤذون الله ورسوله لعنهم الله في الدنيا والآخرة 13391 مشاهدات
- 26.02.12 تعليم الإرهاب للأحفاد 12399 مشاهدات
- 26.03.12 الرقيق شرع الله بيعه وشرائه في الإسلام 11811 مشاهدات
- 09.04.12 أبو يحيى يعاود ممارسة هوايته في إشعال الفتنة الطائفية بعد خروجه من السجن 11046 مشاهدات
- 03.02.12 250 - الإسلام والديمقراطية 16643 مشاهدات
- 08.03.12 254 - الإسلام والعلمانية 15242 مشاهدات
- 20.04.12 60 - من هو ذو القرنين؟ – الحلقة الثانية 7632 مشاهدات
- 02.05.12 32 - إستنارة - الحلقة الثانية والثلاثون 9432 مشاهدات
- 21.05.12 66 - المسيح بين المسيحية والإسلام: ومضات عن المسيح - الحلقة الرابعة 10254 مشاهدات
خلاف بين وزير الأوقاف وشيخ الأزهر حول زيارة القدس | DA110054
عمر أديب - محمد مصطفى شردي - الداعية الإسلامي صفوت حجازي - القاهرة اليوم - حقوق الإنسان وحرية العقيدة
مشاهدات 13838
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أضف تعليق
.الرجاء كتابة تعليقك هنا ببشكل واضح وسليم، تعليقك سوف ينشر مباشرة
أي تعلقات يوجد بها سب وقذف سوف تحذف فوراً
المزيد في الدليل والبرهان
2010-05-26 06:37:40
القدس اصلا حق اليهود تاريخيا من قبل المسيحية فكيف يتهم هؤلاء الاذكياء بان اسرائيل احتلت القدس ..يكدبوا الكدبة ويرددوها ليصدقوهاثم ان اللى عايز يصلى وبيعرف ربنا بجد يصلى فى اى مكان اخر...حلوة اوى الفتوى الى قالوها بخصوص الفيزا الاردنية حلال ولا حرام عالم فتاوى بيحب الفتة
2010-05-24 19:47:31
Jerusalem was occupied by Islam. Now, Jerusalem has been liberated by the real owners, Jews. Thanks All Our Beloved Jews! Muslims are the gangsters who have occupied our Coptic Republic of Egypt for 1400 yrs. Next move is to liberate Egypt and the whole Middle East from Islam imperialism. We are against all imperialists and occupiers.
wisdom; Jerusalem is Jewish Forever
2010-05-24 19:38:14
The True Story about the Fascist Mafia called “Islam”, Full of lies and fallacies, Founded by the Lice-Illiterate Mahomet: To every Muzlim, Christians don’t buy the Islamic “Eessa” in Quran, for one second. To figure out such fictional character; go and ask the old breed of heretics: Nasserites (“Nassara”), Mahomet (the Charlatan) and Khadijja (the owner and employer of Mahomet). Christians assert strongly that such fictional “Eessa” was one of Mahomet’s fabrications and hallucinations. Then, go and ask Khadiija who will assure you that Mahomet was devil-possessed elliptic in her vagina lap, on her thighs and between Khadija’s hips while she was totally nude for sex having and making. The claimed statement that “Quran’s verbal recitations” were told by Allah” is totally fraud and false. The profane Quran was not told by anyone except Mahomet and his gangsters (“Asbab Nuzul” hoax). The tricky Allah did not contact Mahomet through his messenger (mail person), demon Jibril. Mahomet was not a messenger of pagan-idol Allah. Mahomet was a wizard of his own deceptions.The pervert-pedophile Mahomet cannot be a descent prophet. The barbaric bully and brutal butcher Mahomet cannot and will not be a reverend prophet at all. Absolutely, a caravan looter, thief and thug cannot be a genuine prophet. A rapist womanizer, an imposter and charlatan Mahomet cannot be a respectable prophet. Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ warned us to watch out the phony and pseudo prophets. Thus, “Eessa” is a fictional fable by Mahomet to dominate the so called “Nasserites”, who were not Christians at any time. The idolatrous Mahomet was only the pagan Idol, fascist ideologue and Jihad doctrine. The lice-illiterate Mahomet was the founder of his own blasphemous antichrist-cult for his own plundered money, tyrant power and pervert sex. The rapist Mahomet established his own unconditional “surrender system” upon the Bedouin-nomad mobs to become a successful sexual predator, sex maniac and a savage slaughterer under the sword’s compulsion and terrorism. Mafia Islam is the cult-product of the rapist-monster Mahomet which slaughters human civilization. Therefore, the best solution is to ban the so called “Quran” and outlaw the evil cult of “Islam”.
wisdom:Read the Real Story of “Islam” (Mafia of fascist surrender):
2010-05-24 19:02:26
ابونا زكريا يارسول اللة الى المسلمين الغفلانين
wisdom: Liberation of Muzlims From Islam is Necessary First