تأجير الأرحام ما بين الدين والعلم | DA010135

جيهان لبيب - دكتور عمر خضير - دكتورة إلهام شاهين - دكتور عادل عاشور - برنامج ضرب نار - قناة المحور - فضائح إسلامية

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تعليقات 1

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

1 تعليق

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  1. my wife and I we have triad to get kids for 15 years my wife she was crying every day and every night she ask me to go and married to another women I refused to do that because I love my wife, one day a friend of ours she have 5 kids she offer and volunteer to carry the baby for us, we did every thing legally we took care of her for the 9 month cloth food doctors visit and every thing and she deserve more , when she had the baby she made sure not to touch him, my wife she was the first one to touch the baby , God know how much we love OUR Baby and thank God for the medical ,God gives KNOWLEDGE to those doctors to help us as human been, and to gave us hope, we are in the 21st century. this have nothing to do in any kind of sexual or against God well, every thing is my wife and I and he is my son 100% the DNA shows he is my son , why if you can help some one why not to make some family happy, today is not 1400 years a go, is breast feeding is against God if anther women feed my son . giving people hope and have Mercy as God he is merciful and he send those doctors and he gave them all this knowledge to help, like some one need a heart transplant is this against God will, God have Marcy and God hand in every thing we do as human and if God willing who we to say no…. .I need to ask is good to bring know live to the world and to make a family happy if God wiling . Or is good to destroy a family and to kill a women all she want be just a mother , God knows how hard to live and you don't have children. EL YADO FE AL MAYA MASH ZAY AL YADO FEE AL NAAR.....PLEASE GAVE HOPE TO SOME ONE SHE OR HE CAN BE YOUR DAUGHTER OR YOUR SON...SO PLEASE SAY YES YES FOR NEW BABY AND NEW LIVE ......


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