Escape From Hamas هارب من حماس | EK010005

Mosab Hassan Yousef - Fox News - English / إنجليزي

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As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other world leaders try to broker a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas, one former member of the militant Islamic organization said there will never be lasting peace between the two groups. "There is no chance. Is there any chance for fire to co-exist with the water?" said Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of the group's founding members.

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  3. I am not an Evangelical Christian as such, nor anti Islam, if to be “Christian” and/or “Muslim” means to be “human”, or more particularly, to be “humane”. The additional “e” in the word “humane” is like unto the “dot above” the “unity of wholeness (1)” in the single letter word “i” (lowercase). This “e” or “dot above” represents the “God factor” which persists throughout creation “with” us – all of us. It is that factor which holds everything together in perfect harmony (perfect unity) – whether we are Christian or Muslim, male or female, religious or not. “Sand is sand, water is water, and people are people. Everywhere. All the same. Our ‘paradise’ is in ‘here’ (in our combined heart’s) – and our ‘hell’, as well.” Whether Christian or Muslim, Mosab Hassan Yousef has spoken truly, from the heart. “The focus of life is not religion. Religion is a tool to focus humanity. It is a way to read the world, but it is not the main thing. It is our efforts in life; our humanity. It’s OK whoever we are; focus on humanity. “The Creator wishes human life to be enriched… by the “brotherhood” of all races and nations: Humanity is like a bouquet of flowers, in which each flower is beautiful in its own right, yet, the combination of all flowers, and the rich diversity of their colours and forms, is more beautiful: “We should hurt no one so that no one may hurt us: we should do unto all as we would wish to have done unto us: we should reject for others that which we would reject for our own selves.” Now, most of the three paragraphs above spring from “Islamic” sources (see Muslims Australia issue # 7), but Christians and others can all “sign off” at that: Amen and Amen ! Let it be so ! Anything less than love is not holy. Where we cannot love, our only duty is to respect and to do no harm. If we respect ourselves, we will respect others. Love gives, but is not restricted to a formula. It also receives, and everyone gains. This issue is at the heart of world sanity and peace. “There is No Compulsion in Religion” (K 2.256); Scholars may quibble, but intention is everything. We hold the future, we hold it in our hands: If we do not see God in All, then we do not see God, at all ! And so, it is up to “us” to make it so. Rich and poor alike, black or white, male or female, religious or not, etc etc, ad infinitum. It’s time !

    Donald Chalmers

  4. please we need to see all the other videos which talking about mosaab and all his news know,god bless all of you.


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